Nancy Mace Delivers Emotional Speech on House Floor Accusing Ex-Fiancé, 3 Others of Rape, Sex Trafficking thumbnail

Nancy Mace Delivers Emotional Speech on House Floor Accusing Ex-Fiancé, 3 Others of Rape, Sex Trafficking

In December 2024, Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) posted a cryptic video to her Facebook page about having to move homes in order to escape her abuser.

According to a video posted online this week, Mace has been “moving into and getting settled into” a new residence – which she claimed was her “fourth move” over the past year as she has sought to escape harassment from an alleged abuser.

“It’s a place where my abuser doesn’t know the address,” Mace said. “He can’t try to break into or gain entry into this property three times like he previously tried to do earlier this year.”

“I’m going to try to make sure he can’t find me and can’t tell others where I live and share that information,” Mace continued in the clip. “Because that puts my safety – me and my children’s safety – at risk. That’s something else he did earlier this year – telling people where I was staying, putting my life in harm’s way, (putting) my family’s life in danger. I’m going to try to make sure he can’t do that.”

Mace’s video message did not identify the alleged abuser, but sources familiar with the situation say the comments refer to her former fiancée, Charleston, S.C. entrepreneur Patrick Bryant.

That December, the half had not yet been told. 

On Monday, after the regular legislative session, Mace requested to use the “Special Orders” session to document the entire story of not just the abuse she claimed was at the hands of Bryant, but of the alleged rape, sexual trafficking, and voyeurism of multiple women by Bryant and his business partners. 

If even a fraction of it is verifiable (and Mace claims it all is), it’s a harrowing tale. Mace was supported by Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), Rep. Ana Paulina Luna (R-FL), and Rep. Victoria Spatz (R-IN), who sat behind her as she spoke.

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to call out the cowards who think that they can prey on women and get away with it. Today, I’m going scorched earth. So, let the bridges I burn this evening light our way forward. 

Mace was not using words lightly. 

And tonight it is God who has shown me the right path to take. Because this is about truth. This is about unveiling evil that is in the state of South Carolina. And I want to quote Martin Luther King tonight, who said: “The time is always right to do what is right.” So, what I am doing tonight, I know in my heart of hearts is right.

Mace chose to place her hand on a friend’s Bible and took an oath, “to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.”

— Gays For Trump (@GaysForTrump24) February 11, 2025

Today, I am going to free myself from the monster who broke me. Today, I am going to free other women who fell prey to the same man. Today, I will free other women further from a group of men who committed the most evil acts against them. I want every woman and girl to know in the country, you have a friend and a sister in me, and I will fight like hell for you every day of the week.

We must never tolerate abusers masquerading as men of character. Abuse doesn’t discriminate. Abuse doesn’t care if you are Republican or if you are a Democrat. Abuse doesn’t care who you are or where you come from or how strong you are or what title you hold. I am living proof that even as a member of Congress, I found myself face-to-face with the darkest corners of humanity. You really think you know someone, until you don’t.

Mace outlined her tragic discovery, next to a placard with four men’s photos and the South Carolina cities in which they reside. 

When I uncovered evidence of rape and the illegal filming of women and sex trafficking, I didn’t just see victims: I saw a system that failed to protect them. 

These men aren’t just criminals; they are predators. And you can see the names and the faces of these predators on this board to my right tonight.

Mace officially read their names and cities into the record, then said:

Predators are not untouchable. These predators are not invisible. And these predators are not invincible. And today their names will be tied to their crimes and their cowardice forever.

In November 2023, I accidentally uncovered some of the most heinous crimes against women imaginable. We’re talking about rape, non-consensual photos, non-consensual videos of women and underaged girls. And the premeditative, calculated exploitation of women and girls in my district.

Mace repeated their alleged crimes and warned:

“[Y]ou have bought yourself a one-way ticket to hell. It is non-stop, there are no connections, so I, and all of your victims, can watch you rot for an eternity.”

We now have a window on the recent fire lit under Mace in her fight to protect women and women’s spaces. 

“Today is about justice. Truth has a way of rising no matter how deeply you try to bury it. Tonight is about truth. The painful, the cold, the hard truth.”

Trigger Warning: Some details that Mace accounted are graphic. She said:

“On the night of October 30, 2023, I received a text message with screenshots from a friend of mine in South Carolina. It showed my then-fiancé Patrick Bryant active on a dating app. In South Carolina, politics is a blood sport. I thought this was your usual, run-of-the-mill political games. I thought it was a joke.

“When I confronted Patrick Bryant four days later, on November 3, the first thing he did was take his phone and put it in a safe and lock it. A safe identical to this one. It was so confusing, I didn’t understand why would someone put their cell phone in a safe and lock it.

“After more women came forward I realized this was not the last. Soon after I learned the dating app was the very least of my worries. Let me make clear: I don’t care he was on a dating app.”

According to Mace, two days later Bryant gave her the four-digit code to his safe and thumbprint access to his phone. What Mace says she discovered, shocked her “to my core.” Mace said:

“One of the first videos I saw was of a woman. She was incapacitated, and she was being raped. I found some photos of what appeared to be a teenager, undressed, in the kind of underwear a child would wear. To me, the facial expression of this young woman, young girl, teenager, looked scared and nervous.

“I saw another unaware she was being filmed. She was slender, and she had long, brown hair. I turned up the volume to hear if there was audio: I heard my voice. I zoomed in on the video, and that woman was me. My entire body was paralyzed, and I couldn’t move. Were my feet on the floor? Was I breathing? I have no idea. I could feel pain shooting out of my heart, out of my chest, dropped straight down on the floor like I was in a nose dive. Cutting through my veins, wouldn’t stop. Time was suspended for a moment. This monster stole my body. It felt like I had been raped. He stole my body without my permission, without my knowledge and without my consent.”

South Carolina Representative Nancy Mace breaks down in tears while she exposes a predator pedophile ring that she herself was victim too.

“ I zoomed in on that video, and I realized that woman was me”.

— Chris | Classical liberalism🇺🇲 (@endmediadivide) February 11, 2025

Mace has a storied background, and was apparently a computer programmer at one point. Through her forage through the phone and the video app software, Mace said she unearthed 10,633 videos that documented these crimes against women, as well as more photos of Bryant’s business partners, female employees, and the wives of male employees. 

“Photos of girlfriends and women who very clearly didn’t know their private parts were being filmed and photographed. I found file, after file, after file. Patrick Bryant had up-skirt photos of one particular victim: The wife of a male employee, who was also one of his best friends. He took up-skirt photos of his employee’s wife, spanning at least eight years. He even took up-skirt photos of her on their family vacations. And I know she had no idea these photos were being taken, because of the way they were taken. There is no way she knew about it.”

Mace then recounted finding photos of underaged girls which she claimed Bryant had deleted in the hours after he allegedly gave her access to his phone. Mace alleged that the young girls were possibly daughters of some of Bryant’s business partners. 

“If you’re a 50-year-old man and you have teenage girls in bikinis on your phone, and it’s okay, why would you delete them in the hours after your fiancée got access to your phone?”

Good question. Mace said that one of the photos was of an underaged girl, fully clothed, but her legs were spread open, unaware she was being photographed. According to Mace, Patrick Bryant took this photo “from his penis area.” She continued:

“In my accidental discovery I found multiple devices used by him to record with Patrick Bryant and his business partners. The weekend I was given access to Patrick Bryant’s phone, I found evidence that he got a second mobile device. I documented it. Patrick Bryant could not transfer these files off his device fast enough. I discovered he was transferring terabytes of data onto another device. I documented it. Patrick Bryant would soon replace his with cell phone with a new one.”

Mace then said:

“None of this is conjecture. These are not allegations. These are facts. It is documented. Sometimes with metadata. I knew how to get that too. This is what I found, this is what I saw, and this is what I accidentally discovered. As you should know by now, I keep all the receipts.

“In addition to what I documented, I personally identified… identified almost a dozen victims. I found some witnesses, and I found more than enough probably cause and then some. If I found this many victims with this little effort, why, South Carolina, today… I’m just one person: imagine how many victims there truly are tonight, and they don’t even know that they’re victims of this cabal of rapists, this cabal of sex traffickers, this cabal of peeping Toms.”

This was when Mace said she reached a breaking point.

“Exactly seven days later, I was under extreme duress. I found more photos. I found more videos. On my last night with Patrick Bryant, he physically assaulted me. On the morning of November 13, I fled my home and I went into hiding. I, as a member of Congress, fled my home, and I went into hiding. It would be the first of our moves that I made last year.”

Mace accounted her own conversations with victims and survivors, and her own assault possibly at the hands of Bryant and his business partners, which was filmed, as Mace alleged above.

Even more horrific @NancyMace details being drugged and raped. She was told by law enforcement, after giving them the information, that she could be investigated and arrested.

Im in tears watching this.

God Bless you Nancy. You are so strong. I stand with you.

— Carmine Sabia (@CarmineSabia) February 11, 2025

Mace turned all of her documentation and testimonies over to the proper authorities, and called out South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, as well as the broken system that turns the victims and their stories on their head, and causes them to be treated like criminals:

“My heart bleeds with yours. We are one. We are the same. We are survivors together. And I will always. Always be there for you, no matter what. Today I stand defiant with my fist in the air. I have the courage, I have the strength.”

Mace concluded her almost hour-long speech outlining twelve bills focusing on protection of women and redress for women who have been assaulted, then struck a triumphant tone.

“My breakdown was my breakthrough. My devastation was my deliverance. 

“Today is about justice and that we can do better.

“Your lies will never, ever break me.

“Today, I am free. Today, I am moving forward. And today I am never looking back.”

Statement From South Carolina Attorney General

After Mace’s floor speech, South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson released the following statement:

“Recent statements made by Congresswoman Nancy Mace regarding the conduct of the South Carolina Attorney General are categorically false. Ms. Mace either does not understand or is purposefully mischaracterizing the role of the Attorney General. At this time, our office has not received any reports or requests for assistance from any law enforcement or prosecution agencies regarding these matters. Additionally, the Attorney General and members of his office have had no role and no knowledge of these allegations until her public statements.

“Congresswoman Mace and the Attorney General have been at multiple events together over the last six months. She also has the Attorney General’s personal cellphone number. Not once has she approached or reached out to him regarding any of her concerns.

“Regarding her claim that the Attorney General refused to receive evidence of a crime from a victim’s attorney, it is important to clarify that the Attorney General is the chief prosecutor. For this reason, the Attorney General would always direct any citizen to provide evidence of a crime to the appropriate law enforcement agency, which would be responsible for the investigation.

“Since stepping into office, the Attorney General has made it a priority to strengthen the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, establish the Human Trafficking Task Force, which is now considered a model nationwide, led efforts to reform the state’s domestic violence laws, and created the Crime Victim Services Division, which makes it easier for victims to receive help. Before serving as Attorney General, Alan Wilson served as an Assistant Solicitor and Assistant Attorney General, successfully prosecuting many heinous crimes against women and children.

“It is clear that Attorney General Alan Wilson has built his career on protecting the most vulnerable in our state; any statement otherwise is blatantly false and politically motivated.”

Mace’s Former Fiancé Responds

Bryant, who has been under investigation by the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division since December, 2023 regarding allegations of assault, harassment, and voyeurism after a referral from the United States Capitol Police, released a brief statement:

“I categorically deny these allegations. I take this matter seriously and will cooperate fully with any necessary legal processes to clear my name.”

Mace encouraged victims of domestic abuse or sexual assault to step up and stand up, and to call the VICTIM Hotline at (843) 212-7048, and promised that her office would offer assistance to them.

The full video of Mace’s speech can be viewed below.

Congresswoman Nancy Mace’s explosive floor speech to expose rapists, peeping toms, and sex traffickers

— Rep. Nancy Mace (@RepNancyMace) February 11, 2025

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